Website of the Day: Windsor and Newton

I just stumbled upon this lovely article, which gives some great advice! I thought I would share it, because it is very inspiring and gave me some ideas to help get yourself out there as an artist! It is an article on the Windsor and Newton website.

The article talks about the challenges new artists face, and how what you can do to make it easier to get yourself seen.
To all those struggling, new artists out there:
You can do it! Don’t give up!
Just like any career, you need to research, research research. Know what your getting into, the troubles your going to face; and always look at every opportunity!!!
Sure, it’s hard. But what isn’t in life? 😉
Broken Down
I leave you all today with a picture I took, that I plan on painting. It is a very, very old truck which I think  would be lovely in watercolor. It was taken up on a deserted hill- who knows how long it had been there! Simply amazing what nature can do.

Stay creative!

Kala Ritchie